Women's Tefillat Mincha, Learning & Seudah Shlishit
Saturday, April 6, 2024 • 27 Adar II 5784
4:45 PM - 6:45 PMLower Level Beit Midrash & Right Hand Social Hall
Join us for an afternoon of Women’s Tefillah & learning with Shuli Taubes, Judaic Studies teacher and Department Chair at SAR High School. We will begin with Tefillat Mincha, continue with the learning session, and conclude with a festive Seudah Shlishit!
Date: April 6 | Shabbat Parshat Shmini
4:45pm: Mincha followed by "Inviting the Stranger" learning with Dr. Shuli Taubes
6:00pm: Seudah Shlishit
Inviting the Stranger
We will discuss the challenge in balancing acceptance and expectation as we think about what the Torah demands of Bnei Yisrael in welcoming "the stranger." Together we will explore the meaning behind the opening passage of the Maggid portion of the Passover seder - הָא לַחְמָא עַנְיָא - where we declare an open invitation into a highly ritualized evening.
All women and girls are welcome. Suggested donation: $25/family.
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