Chesed is one of the core values of our Bayit. We have a long history of responding to situations as they arise, as well as serving the Jewish community and beyond with our various chesed programs throughout the year.
Bikkur Cholim
We support community members when they are not well and could benefit from a friendly visit. If you or someone you know would like visitors or if you would like to volunteer please contact Rabbanit Bracha at
Chevra Kadisha
At one of the most challenging times in life for family members left behind after a loved one's passing, Chevra Kadisha is there to make sure that Jewish rituals and laws are followed with love and respect. If you would like to volunteer please contact Shifra Landowne, (for women's volunteer group) or Jonny Scheiner (for men's volunteer group).
Helping Hands
An umbrella chesed group which offers walks and pushes to and from shul and shul-related activities. It includes: calling our neighbors and friends who would like to connect, or to check in with them, offering rides to medical appointments, finding a davening buddy, and having your pushka collected. Please note that Caring Callers is a part of this group and no longer exists as a separate entity.
To volunteer email, including your name and mobile phone number.
Bayit Bounty
This group is part of Helping Hands. We encourage family and friends to share the remaining extra food from their personal events (engagment parties, shiva food and similar) with the local community fridges. This group also helps distribute the extra food from Bayit events to the community fridges. These fridges are for the general population at large and have strict rules to follow. Please note that food can be taken from the Bayit only in consultation with clergy or Bayit staff. Please visit for further details.
Comfort Meals
Bayit volunteers provide meals during the week of shiva and for those weathering a crisis or illness. To volunteer join our WhatsApp group, email to sign up, including your name and mobile phone number, and/or click here donate to our Comfort Fund.
Meals for New Babies
Bayit volunteers organize meals to support parents who have welcomed a new baby. To volunteer please join our email list. When you join our email list, you are committing only to receive notifications about opportunities to support new parents with meals, and you can sign up for a meal only when you've available! Contact Shira Billet to join.
Shabbat Meals
Join this group to help deliver Shabbat meals that the Bayit offers weekly. To volunteer join our WhatsApp group, email to sign up, including your name and mobile phone number.
Collections & more
Clothing Drive
A biannual drive that takes place before Rosh Hashanah and before Passover. Items may be dropped off during the drive only.
Clothing are donated to Furniture Assist. Next Drive: Sunday, March 30, 2025. To see our past event please click here
Clothing Swap
A biannual swap that takes place the night before the clothing drive. Items must be gently worn and clean and can be dropped off during the swap only. Next Drive: Motzaei Shabbat, March 29, 2025. To see our past event please click here
Blood Drive
A biannual drive that takes place in September (on or close to 9/11) and in February-March. Next Drive: Sunday, March 2, 2025. To register and learn more visit
Toy Drive
A drive that takes place during the month of Kislev (leading to Chanukah). Toys are donated to Chai Lifeline and are given to children who are undergoing medical procedures and whose immune systems are compromised. Next Drive: TBA. To see our past event please click here
Chesed Day
Each year before the High Holidays, we hold a Chesed Day with various activities (such as: blood drive, clothing drive, Torah learning, tzedakah collection, sefarim sale, mezuzah/tefillin checking and more). There is no need to wait for Elul to get involved! Please reach out to the contacts listed above or to our Program Coordinator, Yael Manor-Oshinsky at
Next Chesed Day: Sunday, September 7, 2025.
Rabbinic Discretionary Fund
The Bayit Rabbinic Team is here to help community members in times of need. This process is confidential and discreet.
If you are in need of assistance or know someone who is, please feel free to speak to any of our rabbinic staff members. If you wish to support this invaluable fund please donate here.
We always welcome feedback on how we can improve and look to join new chesed initiatives.
Please contact Yael Manor-Oshinsky at with any concerns/suggestions you may have.