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 פרשת פנחס​​​​​

Parashat Pinchas

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Parashat Pinchas dedicated by:

  • Jojo & Elliot Haperin in honor of Bernie’s generous, gentle, loving, joyful and unparalleled teaching of Kriyat HaTorah to our daughter in preparation for her Bat Mitzvah. He has opened a connection for her to the Torah that be with her throughout her life.

Thank you to Hillel Smith for permission to use this image from his series, Parsha Posters. Learn more at www.parshaposters.com

Full Parasha 25:10-30:1 / פרשת פינחס כה:י-ל:א

First Aliyah 25:10-26:4 / ראשון כה:י-כו:ד

Second Aliyah 26:5-51 / שני כו:ה-נא

Third Aliyah 26:52-27:5 / שלישי כו:נב-כז:ה

Fourth Aliyah 27:6-23 / רביעי כז:ו-כג

Fifth Aliyah 28:1-15 / חמישי כח:א-טו

Sixth Aliyah 28:16-29:11 / ששי כח:טז-כט:יא

Seventh Aliyah 29:12-30:1 / שביעי כט:יב-ל:א


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Sat, February 15 2025 17 Shevat 5785