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Beth Aharon Rosh Chodesh Bake 4-8-24

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Beth Aharon 
Chodesh Bake
Monday, April 8th • 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Why sell our hamets flour if we can simply use it?!
Join Beth Aharon's Rosh Chodesh Bake and make delicious Sephardic style orange-sesame cookies.
Enjoy it before we enter matza-times.
Cost: $14/adult; $7/child (4-17yo)
Limited to the first 35 people;
Adults and children are welcome.

Please register by Apr. 7th.

Questions? Email: bethaharon@gmail.com 

   Adult - $14.00 - 16 of 20 Left
   Child - $7.00 - 13 of 15 Left
Tue, April 30 2024 22 Nisan 5784