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Hoshana Rabah Live

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 21 Tishrei 5785

8:00 AM - 11:00 AMMain Sanctuary and Sukkah

8:00am: Shacharit
8:30am: Musical Hallel led by Rav Steven and the Bayit Band 
Children's instruments will be provided during Hallel.
10:45am: Arava beating 
Light breakfast served following Tefillah in the Bayit Sukkah.

This event is dedicated in loving memory of Ron (Ronnie) Schechter z”l, ירחמיאל בן מאיר ולאה . His heart was always in his tefillah.


Dial-in: +1 646 558 8656 followed by the Meeting ID: 613 613 3700

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Sun, October 13 2024 11 Tishrei 5785