Annual Giving 2025
Chaver/Member: $1850/925* Membership Dues
Tomeich/Sustainer: $5,300/2,650*
Boneh/Builder: $10,000
Yoseid/Founder: $25,000
* 2 adult/1 adult household.
Your annual commitment to the Bayit allows our lay leaders, clergy and staff to spend less time on fundraising and more time improving Bayit tefillot, classes and programs. Please give generously within your means.
Not ready to make a larger annual commitment at this time? There will be opportunities to participate in fundraisers, programs and initiatives that are important to you over the course of the year.
Questions? Click here for more details. Ready to commit? Please fill out the form below.
Your Annual Gift includes the following fundraisers:
Member | Sustainer | Builder | Founder | |
Membership Dues
Annual Dinner & Ad
Mishloach Manot
Yizkor Book/Book of Remembrance
High Holiday Seats
Amudei Kiddush
Program Attendance/Co-Sponsorship^
Annual Bayit Appeals
Program Dedication/Sponsorship^^
^Program attendance/co-sponsorship includes admission and/or listing as a co-sponsor for Bayit events such as the Selichot Concert, Cholent Cook-off or other Friday Night Onegs, Women’s Tefillah & Seudah Shilishit, as well as all youth programs.
^^Program Dedication: Dedicate one special event such as the Shabbat Shuva Derashah or Yom Hashoah Seder in honor or in memory of a special person or milestone. Please reach out to the office for more details.
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Sat, February 15 2025 17 Shevat 5785